Saturday, 9 May 2009

This Happened in Edinburgh #2

This happened Edinburgh #2
Originally uploaded by MK
I attended the second This Happened event in Edinburgh on the 4th May. A great event that displays that there are a multitude of exciting things going on in the world of interaction design and art.

The free event gathers a collection of speakers to present work that they are currently working on/ have recently completed and then opens up for discussion. When booking the ticket the event was sold out within 2 hours of opening... which is quite incredible for such something like this. I managed to get on the waiting list and later was pleased to receive an email stating that I had a ticket.

There was a good range of speakers which included:

  •  Possibly my favourite of the night, Jen Southern and Running Stitch. This project is an incredible mixture of gps technology that captures information and physical artistry that translates this into a real world piece of art. There are many applications that currently use gps technology to track user movements and create interesting mappings. However, this is the first piece of work I have seen that effectively translates this into the physical world. Her installation works with a beamer that traces participants movements in real time on a large canvas, whilst behind the canvas somebody works away at stitching this trace into the canvas. Creating a truly original and beautiful piece of art.